Hikvision handheld thermal camera

Covid-19 Prevention – Hikvision Solutions


There are some businesses that have resumed work at the office. So, it is important to pay attention to the following steps for safety and security measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19:

  • Step 1: Set up temperature screening at the entrance.
  • Step 2: Record body temperature.
  • Step 3: If temperature below 37.5 C, allow access; if temperature equals to or exceeds 37.5 C, access is denied or isolated.
  • Step 4: Thermometer secondary check with anyone that has a low-grade fever.
  • Step 5: Wear a face mask.
  • Step 6: Mark each inspected person as completed.
  • Step 7: Disinfect and clean three times a day.
  • Step 8: Arrange seats at least one meter apart if there is space.

Even if COVID-19 has not arrived in the communities where we operate, employers should start doing these things. Thanks to all participants for cooperation with the provisions in place to make sure workplaces are clean and hygienic.

Hikvision Handheld Thermal Camera


In today’s world, we are moving fast towards technology, for example, Artificial Intelligence facial recognition, and behavior analysis. As a result, businesses have to invest in work resource transformation so that they can better coordinate distant employees and have higher overall productivity. In addition, businesses will be able to keep their operations operating smoothly and ready for whatever the new normal entails as a result of the change.

Temperature Screening Thermographic Cameras from Hikvision are designed to detect increased skin-surface temperatures and can be used for quick and preliminary temperature screening in office buildings, factories, stations, airports, and other public areas. The Hikvision Fever Scanning can detect a person without contact and assess the situation immediately. Therefore, this can help businesses to:

  • Firstly, the detection process is fast and convenient.
  • Secondly, it can help to improve the detection rate of suspected patients.
  • Thirdly, it involves real-time measurement data statistics.
  • In addition, it can detect even if long-distance, accurate, and non-contact.
  • Most importantly, it helps to effectively reduce manpower resources.

The safety measures could prevent a potential threat or accident from taking place in the public area or workplace. In short, this is a long-term investment for businesses. Let us play our part to contain the spread of COVID-19 with the help of technology.

Download: Hikvision handheld thermal camera.pdf

Hikvision Handheld Thermal Camera Solutions
Hikvision Applications